Easy access to relevant chemistry around a lead compound is an integral part of fast follow up and ligand evolution. For this, molecular fingerprints represent long-standing industry standard tools to perform virtual screenings on data sets for compounds of interest akin to a query molecule. The novel SpaceLight algorithm extracts closely related compounds from ultra-large Chemical Spaces — using Tanimoto fingerprint similarity. Developed in collaboration with ZBH (University of Hamburg), SpaceLight has been further crafted and improved — debuting as the ‘Analog Hunter’ mode in the upcoming infiniSee 5 version.
In this BioSolveIT application webinar we will introduce you to infiniSee 5 ‘Artemis’, as well as the new Analog Hunter mode. Features and innovations will be discussed in detail to address different drug discovery scenarios.
Participants will receive a free 2 weeks license for infiniSee to explore trillions of possibilities for their drug discovery projects.