infiniSee xREAL changelog

The next level of screening synthetically accessible and commercially available compounds is here!
infiniSee xREAL is the only software able to operate in this trillion-sized version of Enamine's Chemical Space. Browse through the most reliable source for drug-like compounds on standard hardware without the need of large computational resources.
  • First version of xREAL: We are extremely excited to release the trillion-sized version of Enamine's REAL Space: xREAL.
    • The Chemical Space contains 2,415,473,746,619 molecules. That's 2×1012 entries: 2.4 trillion potential drug candidates!
    • 3126 chemical reactions were meticulously coded to ensure high synthesizability.
    • In its first release, xREAL contains 50-times more compounds than the general REAL Space.
  • Exclusive navigation in xREAL: infiniSee xREAL is dedicated to screen the Enamine Chemical Space.
    Users can load a molecule of interest into one of the three available search modes Scaffold Hopper, Analog Hunter or Motif Matcher to mine the trillion-sized compound collection.