
SeeSAR 14.0.0

Download SeeSAR for your operating system (System requirements):

Supported operating systems (System requirements):

...after the download:

...after the download:

If you need help installing or running the software, please contact us.

HYDE 2.2.0 

HYDE is a commandline tool. If you prefer using its capabilities in a graphical user interface, then please select SeeSAR in the menu on the left.

Download HYDE for your operating system (System requirements):

Supported operating systems (System requirements):

...after the download:

...after the download:

If you need help installing or running the software, please contact us.

Additional material

FlexX 6.2.0 

FlexX is a commandline tool. If you prefer using its capabilities in a graphical user interface, then please select SeeSAR in the menu on the left.

Download FlexX for your operating system (System requirements):

Supported operating systems (System requirements):

...after the download:

...after the download:

If you need help installing or running the software, please contact us.

Additional material

FlexS 5.2.0 

Download FlexS for your operating system (System requirements):

Supported operating systems (System requirements):

...after the download:

...after the download:

If you need help installing or running the software, please contact us.

Additional material

FastGrow 1.3.0 

Download FastGrow for your operating system (System requirements):

Supported operating systems (System requirements):

...after the download:

...after the download:

If you need help installing or running the software, please contact us.

Additional material

Conformator 2.2.0 

Download Conformator for your operating system (System requirements):

Supported operating systems (System requirements):

...after the download:

...after the download:

If you need help installing or running the software, please contact us.

Additional material

infiniSee 6.2.0

Download infiniSee for your operating system (System requirements):

Supported operating systems (System requirements):

...after the download:

...after the download:

If you need help installing or running the software, please contact us.

FTrees 6.13.0 

FTrees is a commandline tool. If you prefer using its capabilities in a graphical user interface, then please select infiniSee in the menu on the left.

Download FTrees for your operating system (System requirements):

Supported operating systems (System requirements):

...after the download:

...after the download:

If you need help installing or running the software, please contact us.

SpaceLight 1.5.0 

SpaceLight is a commandline tool. If you prefer using its capabilities in a graphical user interface, then please select infiniSee in the menu on the left.

Download SpaceLight for your operating system (System requirements):

Supported operating systems (System requirements):

...after the download:

...after the download:

If you need help installing or running the software, please contact us.

SpaceMACS 1.3.0 

Download SpaceMACS for your operating system (System requirements):

Supported operating systems (System requirements):

...after the download:

...after the download:

If you need help installing or running the software, please contact us.

infiniSee xREAL 6.2.0

Download infiniSee xREAL for your operating system (System requirements):

Supported operating systems (System requirements):

...after the download:

...after the download:

If you need help installing or running the software, please contact us.

Additional material

HPSee 2.0.0

Download HPSee for your operating system (System requirements):

Supported operating systems (System requirements):

Get a license for HPSee - Remote Docking and Scoring:

Get a license for HPSee - Remote Docking and Scoring:

Get a license for HPSee - Chemical Space Docking™:

Get a license for HPSee - Chemical Space Docking™:

If you need help installing or running the software, please contact us.

CoLibri 8.3 

Download CoLibri for your operating system (System requirements):

Supported operating systems (System requirements):

...after the download:

...after the download:

If you need help installing or running the software, please contact us.

KNIME Interfaces 2.29.3

Choose your package (System requirements):

Available packages (System requirements):

...after the download:

...after the download:

If you need help installing or running the software, please contact us.

Additional material

FlexLM 11.19.6

Download FlexLM for your operating system (System requirements):

Supported operating systems (System requirements):

If you need help installing or running the software, please contact us.