Company Profile

BioSolveIT — expect actives!

BioSolveIT, a German drug discovery software company, established in 2001.
We pioneer the exploration of ultra-large Chemical Spaces and facilitate state-of-the-art drug discovery design with fast and easy-to-use software.

Our applications are designed to enable both modeling beginners and veterans to efficiently tackle and overcome modern drug discovery challenges. The trusted tools support you in structure- and ligand-based drug discovery to inspire you with new, vivid ideas.
As a result, our software is not only integral for hit identification and lead optimization but—more importantly—a reliable tool that is a pleasure to use every day.

German Efficiency and Sophistication

Our success model is carried out from our HQ in Sankt Augustin, Germany, to the world. Our proprietary algorithms are developed in close dialogue with global players and are continuously enhanced to match the adopting drug discovery landscape.
BioSolveIT's interdisciplinary team of medicinal and computational chemists, bioinformaticians, software developers, mathematicians, and others combines the individual scientific building blocks for trailblazing tools with the highest level of engagement.
This is a key part of our concept: The background of our employees helps us understand what the modern user needs and how the application can be used in different scenarios. Subsequently, the infrastructure of the tool is developed as user-friendly as possible, keeping various target groups in mind, so that it can be efficiently and effortlessly implemented in companies and research institutions.

Ultra-Large Screening as a New Dimension

A noticeable trend in recent years has been the scaling of molecular collections to unprecedented dimensions. The credo "the more, the better" has already been confirmed in numerous publications: larger datasets yield more and better compounds in virtual screening campaigns. At the same time, this goes hand in hand with new molecular scaffolds and the associated novel IP, which plays a crucial role in the profitability of drug development.

The most straightforward solution for handling the vast amounts of data required is to simply provide more computing power: more hardware – more capacity. However, the problem is that the volume scales with the number of screened compounds. Once you pass the border to billions, the setup can become expensive and complex. With each additional order of magnitude in dataset size, the question grows louder: to what extent does the computational approach remain efficient, faster, and cost-effective?
We are highly aware of this challenge. Others have also recognized that brute-force enumeration is not infinitely scalable and pushes the physical limits of data handling. That’s why we focus on developing new algorithms to make searching large compound collections more efficient and effective. In collaboration with industry and academia, we work on methods that quickly extract relevant chemistry from datasets—without generating mountains of poor results.

Go Bigger with Us!

It is public knowledge that if you want to screen ultra-large compound collections for drug candidates, there’s no way around BioSolveIT. The largest compound hunting grounds—combinatorial Chemical Spaces—can be generated with our software.

The biggest players in the pharmaceutical industry have created their own spaces and use them to search for relevant compounds that can be synthesized in just a few steps, allowing them to reach valuable results even faster.

Drug Discovery Software That Enables

The continuous dialogue with our customers and leading experts helps us develop software that represents a whole arsenal of versatile tools for the drug discovery process.
From hit identification to lead optimization, our portfolio comprehensively covers a wide range of discovery use cases, significantly accelerating the early stages.

The core essence of our software philosophy is to enable everyone to achieve their set goals quickly and efficiently. This is reflected in the fact that our software is designed to be particularly user-friendly and can be mastered in no time.
Users are therefore not tied up for weeks or even months until productive performance but can fully leverage the software’s capabilities after a short period.

Covering All Needs

This way, those who enjoy fine-tuning parameters and customization have access to powerful command-line tools. These can be launched in the console and integrated with custom scripts to build and implement in-house workflows.

For those who prefer a visual approach, there is a beautifully designed and easy-to-use graphical user interface that leverages color coding to optimally convey insights across different facets of the results.

Our products cater to the needs of a wide range of users: medicinal and computational chemists, data scientists, crystallographers, teachers and students, as well as drug discovery enthusiasts in general—and many more get the full benefit.

Don't Miss Out:
Access Point to the Largest On-Demand Catalogs

The mentioned Chemical Spaces come with an additional twist that reduces costs and significantly accelerates the discovery process: Through collaborations with compound suppliers, we have generated a variety of commercial Chemical Spaces whose content is not only synthetically accessible but even available for on-demand ordering.
Many companies have created their own Chemical Spaces, just like Enamine’s REAL Space, which contains trillions of compounds that can be ordered as needed—forming the largest molecular catalogs available.

The advantage here is that due to their sheer size, these Chemical Spaces cannot simply be enumerated and searched conventionally. Our technology enables exploration of areas of chemical space that are inaccessible to others—where potential novel IP awaits.
This approach significantly reduces the need for in-house synthesis, cutting substantial costs for screening campaigns.

Committed to Cybersecurity:
BioSolveIT's Dedication to Data Protection

Regardless of how and where you work on your projects and molecules, we are committed to keeping your data private. All our applications can be installed and run on your in-house, local hardware and across various operating systems, ensuring that not a single computation ever leaves your company.

In 2024, we were assessed by CyberVadis for our cybersecurity and data protection and received the highest score, "Mature," for our performance.